Platycerium Willinckii Jade Girl
Surname | Polypodiaceae |
Origin | Sunda |
Leaf color | xanh lá |
Shield | rounded |
Beard | droop |
Leaf size | vừa-lớn |
Tăng trưởng | chậm |
Breeding | spore sowing |
Diseases & Pests | spiders, aphids, root rot, leaf rot |
Platycerium willinckii (wil-lin-key-eye) is sometimes called Java Staghorn. Native to Java and the Sunda Islands. Closely related to P. bifurcatum but the staghorn leaves are not pendulous and may be deeply lobed. Many P. willinckii species have about 12 leaves growing from the bud. The undersides of the healthy leaves are more hairy. The white hairs protect them from high temperatures and water loss. With their white hairs, these healthy leaves create a striking contrast to the brown shield leaves.
Note: The above information is only relative, the living conditions of the tree also depend a lot on other objective factors.
Platycerium Willinckii Jade Girl likes indirect light.
Water a lot, but keep it airy. Avoid water stagnation which will cause root rot.
The best humidity for Platycerium Willinckii Jade Girl plants is above 70%.
For Platycerium Willinckii Jade Girl, the ideal pH range is 5.0 - 7.0 pH.
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