Philodendron McDowell
Surname | Araceae/Aroids |
Leaf color | xanh lá |
Leaf shape | special, arrow shaped |
Leaf size | vừa-lớn |
Close | climbing |
Roots & Tubers | aerial roots |
Tăng trưởng | nhanh |
Breeding | tissue culture, cutting |
Diseases & Pests | leaf burn, spider mites, aphids, root rot |
Note: The above information is only relative, the living conditions of the tree also depend a lot on other objective factors.
How to grow and care for Philodendron McDowell
Philodendron McDowell likes indirect light.
Water moderately. Avoid waterlogging which will cause root rot.
The best humidity for Philodendron plants is above 65%.
For Philodendron McDowell, the ideal pH range is 5.0-7.0 pH.
Mature Philodendron McDowell plant image
McDowell can be grown intercropped with other plants, they do not need poles to climb but do need places to crawl.
This Philodendron species is considered to be more easygoing than some of its relatives, tolerant of a wide range of light and humidity conditions.
Indoor Plant Care Guide
The most important and basic knowledge about growing plants indoors: