Sansevieria francisii (Sansevieria francisii)
Surname | Araceae/Aroids |
Leaf color | xanh lá |
Leaf size | nhỏ-vừa |
Tăng trưởng | trung bình |
Diseases & Pests | spiders, aphids, root rot, leaf rot |
The cylindrical leaves gradually grow upright until the plant eventually has to lie down due to the weight of all the leaves, like a snake and progresses in this way. The leaves are thick and stiff with pointed tips that can keep even the smallest creatures away.
Note: The above information is only relative, the living conditions of the tree also depend a lot on other objective factors.
How to grow and care for Sansevieria francisii
Prefers light indirect light, some species can tolerate direct light but not too much during the day.
Water a lot, but keep it airy. Avoid water stagnation which will cause root rot.
The best humidity for plants is above 70%.
The ideal pH range is 5.0 - 7.0 pH.
Indoor Plant Care Guide
The most important and basic knowledge about growing plants indoors: