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Combo of ornamental plants SFARM is the perfect solution for those who are starting their journey to bring nature into their living space. Planting trees to green the house seems simple, but comes with many concerns: What kind of trees should I plant? What kind of soil is suitable? How to keep the trees green? These questions are especially discouraging for beginners (newbies).

But don't worry, today KLA will bring you a simple, convenient and effective solution: Combo of growing ornamental leaves with Bonsai growing mediumSFARM organic pellet fertilizer!

What does the SFARM ornamental plant combo include?

Organic Fertilizer Pellets & Growing Media: Simple SFARM Ornamental Plant Combo For Beginners

SFARM ornamental plant growing medium

SFARM ornamental foliage growing medium ingredients

SFARM ornamental plant growing medium Mixed from high-quality ingredients such as: vermicompost, perlite, pumice, neem powder, peatmoss, coconut peat, organic humus (coffee grounds, composted cocoa shells), eggshells...

Uses of SFARM ornamental foliage growing medium

  • Provides complete, diverse and long-lasting nutrition to help plants grow well.
  • Supplement beneficial microorganisms.
  • Prevent common fungal diseases on ornamental plants such as leaf fungus, black stem, soft rot...
  • Limit pests thanks to the active ingredient Azadirachtin in seasoning powder.

Outstanding features

  • Convenient, immediate use saves time
  • Long lasting, no compression or loss over time
  • Fluffy, breathable, good moisture retention.
  • Stable quality, enough nutrients for plant growth.
  • Safe for the environment and health of users and pets.
  • Environmentally friendly, no toxic chemicals. 

SFARM 100% organic pellet ornamental fertilizer

Ingredients of ornamental fertilizer

Vermicompost combined with other organic ingredients. 


Organic Fertilizer Pellets & Growing Media: Simple SFARM Ornamental Plant Combo For Beginners
  • Provide adequate nutrition, help roots healthy.
  • Supplement beneficial microorganisms to limit root-damaging fungi.
  • Slow release, providing nutrition for 30-45 days.

Outstanding features of ornamental foliar fertilizer

  • Tablet form, compact, convenient to use
  • 100% organic, safe for plants, humans and the environment
  • Good nutrient control, reduce fertilizer loss. 
  • Suitable and effective when combined with SFARM foliage substrate.

Advantages and disadvantages of SFARM ornamental plant combo


Organic Fertilizer Pellets & Growing Media: Simple SFARM Ornamental Plant Combo For Beginners

The SFARM foliage ornamental plant combo is the optimal solution for beginners in growing plants. After experiencing the product, KLA found 6 outstanding advantages of the combo including: SFARM foliage ornamental substrate and SFARM organic pellet fertilizer as follows:


Organic Fertilizer Pellets & Growing Media: Simple SFARM Ornamental Plant Combo For Beginners

Besides the positive advantages suitable for new growers, the foliage combo also has disadvantages that need to be overcome. Hopefully, after sharing from KLA, the manufacturer will continue to improve the foliage combo to suit all types of plants and users.

User manual

New planting

  • Add SFARM foliage substrate to the pot, 3-5cm from the edge of the pot.
  • Prune off dead roots, then pot the plant and fill with growing medium.
  • Water and spray B1 nutrients after planting. 
  • After 5-7 days, when the plant is stable and starts to grow, add SFARM organic 100% pellet fertilizer and water.
  • Fertilize regularly every 1-1.5 months.


Similar to new planting, but note that you need to remove old, unnutritious, damp growing medium and prune dead or damaged roots. 


After use, if any, seal the potting medium and pellet fertilizer tightly and store/preserve in a cool place. SFARM organic 100% pellet fertilizer bag is packaged in a zip bag, after use, just close it tightly. 

Feedback after use

Organic Fertilizer Pellets & Growing Media: Simple SFARM Ornamental Plant Combo For Beginners

Most users of the SFARM foliage planting combo highly appreciate its convenience and simplicity. Plants grow healthily, roots cling tightly, and pests and diseases are reduced. However, for foliage with small roots, coconut lumps should be added to the SFARM foliage growing medium to increase ventilation.

SFARM ornamental plant combo not only meets the needs of plant care but also brings sustainable value to the environment. This is the perfect solution for many customer portrait From plant lovers, new planters to office workers, coffee shop owners,… turn every space into a vibrant green space. Try and experience it, don't forget to share with KLA!

Biên tập viên

Linh Tôn
Linh Tôn
As a small leaf that adds to the green of the forest. Linh is grateful for every grain of rice covered in her parents' sweat that raised her, the gentle protection of Mother Nature guided Linh to graduate with a major in Agronomy from Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry. During her journey of experience, Linh became more passionate about the sustainability of nature and the environment. At the same time, Linh has many years of experience in the field of digital marketing.
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