KLA - Home of Leaf

Advisor & supporter

Kla sincerely thanks for your contributions, those who have shared their experiences, knowledge not only for KLA but also for the community, you are amazing!

Do Thu Thuy

Platycerium expert

Thuy is a lover of Platicerium, she often shares knowledge and experience in growing Platicerium with the community. Thuy has provided a lot of information for Kla to update the Platicerium category.

Huynh Phuong

Colocasia expert & nursery

Phuong is one of the players who has many Colocasia plants. Her garden also bred some beautiful new Colocasia lines. She has supported Klá a lot so that she can create content about this line of plants.

Nguyen Van Thuan (The Tree and Me)

Foliage plant expert

Thuan is a leaf lover, he has a lot of experience in ornamental leaves. His articles and stories have inspired KLA a lot.

Nghia Nguyen (tobancay)

Content creator & plant expert

Nghĩa (tobancay) is known to the community for its creative content about beautiful and valuable plants. A typical example is the series of designs about plant nameplates (plant species) that are highly appreciated by the community at home and abroad.

Kla's Pioneer

Founder of KLA and does a little of everything

Ho Phi Long

Nothing but passion

An introvert but loves to go out. Long is currently working in the field of marketing, communications and content creation. He wants to bring his experience to build and develop KLA. Create a valuable place for the community and inspire people to love nature.