Philodendron Congo
Surname | Araceae/Aroids |
Leaf color | dark red, purple black, green, blue brown |
Leaf shape | arrow, heart |
Leaf size | nhỏ-vừa |
Close | climbing pole, creeping body |
Roots & Tubers | aerial roots |
Tăng trưởng | nhanh |
Breeding | tissue culture, cutting |
Diseases & Pests | leaf burn, spider mites, aphids, root rot |
Philodendron congo is a hybrid philodendron created by crossing philodendron imperial red with philodendron tatei. The color of rojo congo appears more like imperial red, while the leaf shape is more like tatei.
- philodendron congo rojo
- philodendron congo red
- philodendron congo green
- philodendron congo apple
- philodendron congo variegated
Note: The above information is only relative, the living conditions of the tree also depend a lot on other objective factors.
How to grow and care for Philodendron Congo
Philodendron likes indirect light.
Water moderately. Avoid waterlogging which will cause root rot.
The best humidity for Philodendron plants is above 65%.
For Philodendron, the ideal pH range is 5.0-7.0 pH.
Philodendron Congo growing medium
There are many varieties of philodendron, many varieties are picky about the growing medium and many varieties adapt well to most growing media and even normal soil. Below are some popular growing media for philodendron:
Image of mature Philodendron Congo plant
Flowers of the Philodendron Congo
Indoor Plant Care Guide
The most important and basic knowledge about growing plants indoors: