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Home Indoor Plants Tillandsia Tillandsia Bulbosa (Bulbosantha Air Plant)

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Tillandsia Bulbosa (Bulbosantha Air Plant)

Reference price:


Leaf color

xanh lá

Leaf size



pink, purple

Roots & Tubers

aerial roots



Tăng trưởng

trung bình

Diseases & Pests

fungus, spider mites, aphids, root rot

Tillandsia brachycaulos has broad, soft leaves that grow in a rosette. The leaves are usually bright green, but turn bright red or pink when they flower. The flowers of this species are often purple or blue, creating an eye-catching color combination.

Note: The above information is only relative, the living conditions of the tree also depend a lot on other objective factors.  

How to grow and care for Tillandsia Bulbosa


Tillandsia likes bright, indirect light but not direct sunlight.


The plant grows well at temperatures of 18-30°C.


No need to water soil like other plants because Tillandsia does not have roots to absorb water.


Tillandsia prefers an environment with humidity ranging from 50–70%.


The plant is suitable for water with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5.

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Indoor Plant Care Guide


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