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Nhận dạng 21 cây Anthurium

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Classification table of 21 Anthurium Species such as Anthurium crystallinum, Anthurium andreanum, Anthurium clavigerum

Anthurium Species 

Anthurium Species
Anthurium Species ©Aaron Apsley Artwork

1. Anthurium crystallinum
2. Anthurium andreanum
3. Anthurium clavigerum
4. Anthurium 'Selby's Silver'
5. Anthurium watermaliense
6. Anthurium radicans
7. Anthurium plowmanii
8. Anthurium superbum
9. Anthurium clarinervium
10. Anthurium forgetii
11. Anthurium veitchii
12. Anthurium verapazin
13. Anthurium regale
14. Anthurium furcatum
15. Anthurium warocqueanum
16. Anthurium peltigerum
17. Anthurium marmoratum
18. Anthurium pedatoradiatum
19. Anthurium luxurians
20. Anthurium 'Dorayaki'
21. Anthurium 'Ace of Spades'

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Long Hồ
Long Hồhttp://hofilong.com
Long is a person who loves to research and learn about ornamental plants and indoor plants. He is interested in the connection between life and nature, plants and the environment. At the same time, he is also a person who is passionate about creating digital content and has many years of experience in the field of online marketing.
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